Sunday, July 13, 2008

Hello, world

I know, it's corny. But, as my son said, "Dad, you can think up a storm." And I wanted a place to be able to express my mind.

1 comment:

Freeman said...

JB, I've been reading some of your comments @ the "Pilgrim People" blog, and just wanted to say "thanx": a lot of what you write there is straight out of my own heart.

Question: I noticed you said you came out of an RCC background; how do we answer folks who ask "So, if you agree with the Nicene and Apostles Creed, at what pt. in history did the RCC go wrong?" This is for me the ultimate stumper when I'm dealing with reasons why the RCC can not claim to be THE true church on earth.

Please, if you would, reply to this email addy: jerryatrik at gmail dot com (I've written it out here to deter spammers).

Thanx much!
